You Have Landed!
You have found Australia’s newest, most progressive Political Party;
a new political strategy for a new generation of stakeholders.
ONE PLANET was founded in rural Victoria in October 2018 in response to alarming events in Australian Politics and anger over inaction on Climate Change, with a view to taking candidates to the Federal Election (Senate) in 2019.
On this website you will find information about ONE PLANET’s
Missions and Goals
Policies and Philosophy
History and Team Members
How to get involved
ONE PLANET represents the voter who
* wants to see action on Climate Change
* can’t stand the chaotic mismanagement of the major parties as they jostle to fawn over big business, and obfuscate to maintain the status quo
* laments the shrivelling of our democracy, as the peoples’ needs and wishes are ignored
to bring responsible and honourable governance to handle our emerging needs
ONE PLANET seeks to work with
* farming and regional communities who stand to lose the most from Climate Change
* young people who are dismayed by our current politics ignoring their future
* prospective candidates who want to stand up for these issues
to create a progressive, sustainable world for the future
We look forward to making contact with you!
ONE PLANET’s Mission is to build a team of talented and committed Australian Parliamentarians who together will act:-
To change the current trend in Politics - the influence being held over the telling of truth in the old parties; the influence preventing action on behalf of the will of the people.
To deal with the interference in governance by vested interests, to bring a return to the representation of our people.
To slow down the runaway Growth Juggernaut that has resulted from this trend, and which threatens our existence by accelerating Climate Change.
To access the skills and ingenuity already available to us to craft a New Economics Paradigm that serves both people and planet.
To achieve this we must find suitable candidates who will:
1. Represent views that align with ours in the Federal Parliament of Australia.
2. Stand up for all political decisions and policy making in Parliament to act in the interests of our Planet.
3. Fight for the development of a new economics paradigm to serve the people sustainably into the future.
4. Insist that the following goals - to improve the future of our Planet (and all its peoples, and all life on Earth) - must first be taken into account, and be held above short-term political gain or vested interests.
5. Accelerate action on these critical issues.
ONE PLANET recognises that the Ecosphere gave us life, and that we shared this with other life on earth, successfully and sustainably, for millennia - until recently. There have been positive achievements over time by mankind in medicine, science and agriculture, bringing so many people a better quality of life and myriad opportunities. But the actions of humans in pursuit of self-aggrandisement, control and wealth have more recently caused a manipulation of democracies, a concentration of wealth in the hands of very few, major abuses of resources, oppression of peoples, corruption in power, accelerating Climate catastrophe and other negative outcomes, leading the processes of the planet to break down. ONE PLANET seeks to engage all people to come together in a shared investment in addressing these travesties before the breakdowns are irretrievable.
That no decision will negatively impact on our ecosystems, biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, and any living thing in those spheres and systems.
That any decision made will seek to enhance, restore and strengthen these systems and spheres, and ensure the processes within them are not interrupted, but can be operative indefinitely into the future.
That these edicts will be introduced at every level of government, under all jurisdictions, (and including at all bureaucratic levels), and followed accordingly.
That population growth, and perpetual economic Growth, will no longer be the major objectives of our Government, but instead an alternative economic system that sustains a quality of life for all. This will be their main goal, with equality of opportunity for all people on Earth as an ultimate goal.
There just is nowhere else

History - How ONE PLANET started
Local identity plans to launch new political party (Mansfield Courier, 24/10/2018)
Mansfield business woman and former Shire Councillor, Kammy Cordner Hunt, wants to make a difference. She has been thinking about a forming new political party to, hopefully, add to the mix in Federal Parliament.
“The AEC is quite open to new parties being formed and offers helpful advice. However, they do not allow just anything to go through their net.” said Kammy to the Mansfield Courier this week.
“I have been waiting a few years, now, for someone else to come up with this idea but it just doesn't seem to be happening. So, you know what they say...”
The idea is to offer an extra voice in the Senate that challenges the conventional economic wisdom of Perpetual Growth. The party's name is proposed to be ONE PLANET, in acknowledgment that we are using up our resources at an alarming rate, while planning to continue growing indefinitely in spite of these resources being limited to just the one planet we have. “This is impossible without disastrous outcomes, like the loss of food growing systems, causing starvation globally”.
“No matter how much we would like to see perpetual growth continue, and no matter how much good it has done us in the past, the fact is, unfortunately, it just cannot continue this way.” Kammy says. “No amount of human ingenuity can possibly cope with the rate of negative consequences that are now looming for our species under a 'business as usual' scenario”.
Kammy feels that governments all over the world have just been putting off, indefinitely, the need to tackle this complex issue.
“Twenty-five years ago there was a lot of awareness and a lot of political will, including here in Victoria, to consider the transition to an economic model of sustainability instead of growth. But the vested interests threw their massive PR machine at that idea to silence it, and now we haven't heard much on the subject until more recently.” explained Kammy.
“Because of that, we have lost a critical quarter of a century during which we may have successfully developed a solution. Now it is getting harder and harder to face the enormity of such a task, but also more and more pressing to do so.”
MC: Why a political party? Isn't that a bit extreme - why not some other initiative?
During the last 25 years there have been a lot of brilliant initiatives developed all over the world, and they keep growing all the time. But they have absolutely no voice in the media, where anything covering this sort of issue is drowned out by the roar of propaganda and PR from the vested interests. The political fray, however, attracts a lot of media, and having a party like this may help the issue get some traction, like Pauline Hanson's One Nation has, despite being lightweight on issues.”
MC: Isn't there another Political party devoted to this idea?
“Yes! There is one. All the more reason to add to their voice, because there are many parties - old and new - devoted to the idea of maintaining the status quo. There is a lot of money about to support parties and politicians keen to further the cause of the vested interests, like the Coal Lobby, etc. The environment, however, has no money to back parties that will protect it. That is why we see the proliferation of 'blue' parties, but not 'green' ones, and our parliament becomes unnaturally loaded in favour of no change. The media likewise”
MC: Will you be looking to stand candidates against our local politicians?
“No. We are aiming just to have a Federal Senate ticket at this stage, where we can focus on maybe having some influence on policy, to steer Australia in a direction away from perpetual growth”.
MC: Do you think ONE PLANET has the potential to go all the way?
“Yes, with the right people coming on board, it has an enormous amount of potential – including to attract international attention. Imagine that, a party starting here in Mansfield going global!”
“That is why I am holding a public meeting at the CWA Hall – the scene of so many of our historic political events - for people to come along and help get this thing off the ground. It might put us on the World Map!”
Kammy's public meeting will be held on Thursday 4th October at 6 pm. Any queries phone Kammy on 0409 799 795.
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