Avert Climate Change Disaster
Strive towards reducing and eliminating the use of fossil fuels
Stop Adani Carmichael Coal Mine
Develop a Renewable Energy based economy
Invest in R & D for power storage and other initiatives
Address single-use plastics
Evolve away from the Throw-away Society mentality
Commit to increasing wild spaces to ensure continued diversity of species
Marine and Land Reserves
Take action on preserving threatened habitats and species
Enact programs to eradicate feral introduced animals in National Parks
Work with all nations to restore health to the oceans and all marine life
Preserve sustainable fisheries for human consumption and sport
Reduce over-consumption of Earth's resources
Move away from an endless growth ideology
Take action to stem population growth.
Climate Change
- Work with farmers to minimise Climate Change, and thus disruption to, and hardship for, their practice.
- Stand with farmers against practices and policies contributing to Climate Change.
- Enable innovation for emissions-reducing farming practices.
- Maintain vigorous opposition to CSG extractive practice onshore and offshore, thereby to protect farmland and aquifers.
- Uphold the Landholders’ Right to Refuse (Gas and Coal) Bill 2013
Foreign Ownership
- Stand against foreign purchase/ownership of agricultural land and utilities – ports, rail etc.
Water Security
– No selling of water to entities based outside of Australia.
– No 'Fracking' (CSG) – proof already provided that it damages aquifers.
– No access to any water free of charge for big Mining Companies. Should be charged for environmental damage and loss. Not entitled to more than any other Australian citizen.
Murray Darling Basin Commission
- Block undue influence by strong companies that creates inequities for farmers, smaller entities and environment
- Inquest into Corruption and mis-management along the distribution line of the river system.
- Theft and misappropriation of grants exposed by investigative journalism to be acted on.
- Review current unspecified and possibly illegal retail activities by governments.
- Address unacceptable impact on farming communities
Irrigation Waters
- Address gross inequities between Holders and Users of water
- Artificial pricing and blocking of supply by Holders is oppressive to the rights of Users, especially farmers in drought conditions.
Some Economic Myths challenged... (simplistically)
Who ‘runs the country’?
Our elaborate Bureaucracy, based in Canberra but branching over the whole nation, does the “running of the country” for us. Established systems are in place for them to do so.
When one dominant party relieves the other after an election, there is no glitch or bump in the running of the country by Bureaucracy, it just continues as normal. Likewise if there is a “Hung Parliament”. The nation does not fall over because a new party gets in.
The economy is kept ticking over by the running of business and everyday lives, by the ASX, and by many other interconnected processes, independent of the party in power.
The systems of economy may be tweaked in Parliament by various new policies passed and enacted, responding to needs arising, thus evolving over time. Some economic reforms pass through with bipartisan support, some are blocked. The “balance of power” (non-party-committed MPs and cross-benchers) can occasionally influence policy outcomes.
Parties do not “run the country”, Bureaucracy does. Parliament informs it, with input from all the MP's representing their constituents, from all parties, both Upper and Lower House; this is our “Democracy” in action. No small party will ever be left “running the country” with suspected ‘dodgy’ economics. No party “runs the country” better than any other, nor is any party “the only one that can run the country”. The country runs, regardless.
The WORST decisions made for the Economy in Parliament are those made to appease non-elected powers rather than the constituents (example: Adani Carmichael Coal Mine - Coalition). The BEST decisions made for the Economy in Parliament are those made to serve the people, rather than the vested interests (example: Cash handout following GFC - Labor; Gun Control - Coalition).
The good decisions SERVE us.
The bad decisions COST us.
ONE PLANET will fight to keep the people of the constituencies as the guiding principle for policy and decision making, NOT the un-elected power-brokers.
ONE PLANET will expose and fight corruption by party powers, party supporters and other vested interests, to ensure better economic decisions for all people.
ONE PLANET will stand against “trickle-up economics” - economic decisions designed to enhance the wealth and power of large entities while transferring costs to the ratepayer.
ONE PLANET will push to find new ways to create a realistic economy that does not involve perpetual growth.
ONE PLANET will see that innovation and ingenuity in devising a new economy are encouraged and able to flourish.
ONE PLANET will fight for a Renewable Energy based Economy.
ONE PLANET will ensure economic policy takes account of the costs to the environment, and places a dollar value on natural resources such as clean air and clean water.
ONE PLANET will fight policies that result in over-consumption of resources with no account of the cost to future generations.
ONE PLANET will stand against economic policies that rely on endless population growth and endless development for justification.
ONE PLANET will fight for policies that are predicated on a foreseeable end to rapacious and burgeoning growth.
Politics /
Protect the independence of the ABC. Call for a Commission into the actions of ‘shock-jocks’ in manipulating political outcomes.
Stand for a Federal ICAC, to reduce the level of corruption now being experienced in Australian politics.
Impose a limit on - or repeal altogether - the corruptible tradition of political donations; mandate for transparent declarations of sponsorship sources.
Shine a spotlight on the “revolving doors” of politics and big business, to make clear what post-political aspirations MPs may hold which taint their ability to vote for their people.
Uphold the UN Charter of Human Rights, to treat other human beings with dignity and compassion.
Introduce an Australian Bill of Rights, to enable the judiciary to act on abuses of Human Rights in Australia.
Facilitate the education of all Australians on how our electoral system/ voting/ Democracy works.
Dispell the myths shrouding these valuable institutions (encouraged by the major parties).
Equalise opportunities for all parties in the media during election campaigns; impose spending limits on PR and advertising; Litigate against lying, abuse and defamation in the lead up to elections.
Promote media assisted equal opportunities for candidates of all parties – broadcast debates; local “Meet the Candidate” evenings.
Litigate against abuses of the truth in party PR campaigns, in their furthering of self-interest and vested interests.
Vigorously reduce the paper warfare at polling booths on Election day.